Copyright & Legal Matters Working Group

Copyright Webinar Series: Participate in National Implementation of the New Directive

Posted: 01-10-2019 Topics: Copyright

The webinars of this series on the Digital Single Market Directive have passed. We would like to thank to all who joined the webinars and hope that they will help you to get involved in national implementation of the new Directive.

Slides and recordings from the webinars are available on Zenodo.

Are you a librarian or academic? Want to make sure your country has copyright laws which benefit research? If so, join our webinar series on the Digital Single Market Directive.

During three sessions on 22 October, 4 and 19 November, our Copyright & Legal Matters Working Group will share knowledge on the new Directive so that you can get involved in national implementation of the new copyright directive.

Who Should Attend?

This webinar series is designed for librarians and academics who wish to:

  • Be involved in their country’s national implementation of the Directive (or are already participating in this process);
  • Attend meetings or respond to government implementation of the Directive;
  • Understand the details of the new Directive and how it might help their library offer new services.

Dates and Topics

Your Participation is Essential

Copyright law fundamentally shapes many of the services libraries can offer and the activities researchers can undertake.  It underpins traditional publishing models, and frames open access.

By participating in the implementation of the directive, and speaking up for the research sector, you therefore have a chance to ensure that golden opportunities are created for libraries and researchers. If librarians and academics do not participate in the Directive’s implementation, these potential advantages will be lost.

Time is of the essence because national governments are already working on implementation. June 2021 is the deadline by which the Directive must be fully implemented by Member States.

There are also opportunities as national governments will be revisiting copyright law, to ask for a more friendly research environment in national copyright law.

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