LIBER Alert | Research Library and Open Science News | August 28, 2019
This is the 20th LIBER Alert.
LIBER Alerts are delivered once every two weeks to you and 288 other readers because you’ve signed up for news, resources and links from LIBER, its network and the world of Open Science. Receive LIBER Alerts directly by email.
- Metrics Webinar: On 10 September, we will discuss the topics of responsible metrics and openness in assessments of scholarly work during a webinar. Register
- Linked Open Data Survey: Our Linked Open Data Working Group is documenting best practices related to library LOD publishing. Is your library already publishing data as LOD or considering doing so? Please take the survey
- Advocate for Libraries and Research: Are you a research librarian working in Europe? If so, you have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to help shape your national copyright legislation. LIBER urges you to get involved, and has produced a step-by-step guide to help. Learn more
- Digital Humanities Group Seeks New Members: The Digital Humanities and Digital Cultural Heritage Working Group is making plans for the coming year. They invite people working at all levels within LIBER libraries to get involved. Read
Network & Open Science News
- Let’s Co-create the EOSC: Submission of applications for the EOSC Funding Opportunities for Co-Creation and Studies is now open. Read more
Upcoming Events
- SEMANTiCS2019, Karlsruhe 9-12 September
- RDMF19 – Costing data management, London 16 September
- Open Science FAIR, Porto 16-18 September
- 14th European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning, Delft 16-19 September
- Focus on Open Science, Chapter XVIII, Budapest 17 September
- PUBMET2019, Zadar 19-20 September
- Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2019 Feature Conference, Gothenburg 24-26 September 2019
- International Library Summit, Venice 4 October
- Open Education Policy Forum, Warsaw 7-8 October
- Focus on Open Science, Chapter XIX, Gdansk 8 October
- FORCE2019, Edinburgh 15-17 October
- RDA’s 14th Plenary, Helsinki 23-25 October
- Focus on Open Science, Chapter XX, Kaunas 29 October
- The Future of Research: Assessing the Impact of Plan S, Leuven 5-6 November
- Focus on Open Science, Chapter XXI, Graz 7 November
- Focus on Open Science, Chapter XXII, Ljubljana 8 November
- DCDC Conference, Birmingham 12-14 November
- 11th Semantic Web in Libraries Conference, Hamburg 25-27 November
- EOSC Symposium 2019, Budapest 26-18 November
- 77th Estonian DH Conference, Tallin 4-6 December
- 16th Conference of the Serbian Library Association, Belgrade 12-13 December
- LIBER Architecture Seminar, Luxembourg 1-3 April 2020
- New Shape of Sharing: Networks, Expertise, Information, Fiesole 11-14 May 2020
- LIBER Journées Leadership Programme, Budapest 13-15 May 2020
- LIBER 2020 Annual Conference, Belgrade 24-26 June 2020
Call for Papers
- CODATA-Helsinki Workshop on FAIR RDM in Institutions 2019 (Deadline: 6 September)
- 16th Conference of the Serbian Library Association (Deadline: 20 September)
- New Shape of Sharing: Networks, Expertise, Information, Fiesole (Deadline: 30 September)
- Specialist Scientific Information: Digital Humanities, Utrecht University
- Project Manager (Open Research), University of Cambridge
Want to share your news in the next LIBER Alert? Email with a one sentence description and a link related to the news, event or job vacancy you’d like to share. LIBER Alerts are brought to you by Europe’s Largest Network of Research Libraries.