LIBER Alert | Research Library & Open Science News | March 7, 2019

Posted: 07-03-2019 Topics: Office News

This is the 10th LIBER Alert.

LIBER Alerts are delivered once every two weeks to you and 227 other readers because you’ve signed up for news, resources and links from LIBER, its network and the world of Open Science. Receive LIBER Alerts directly by email.


  • LIBER 2019 Annual Conference: Registration is now open! Learn more
  • Open Science Webinar: How can you convince your institution, and the broader community, of the value of Open Science? Join us on 26 March at 1400 CET to hear from experts at Stockholm University Library, and to learn about training resources available from the FOSTER project. Register
  • EOSC Ethics & Skills Webinar: Join us on 18 March at 1500 CET for a discussion focusing on how researchers and service providers can address issues of ethics and private/sensitive data within the context of the European Open Science Cloud. Register
  • Digital Humanities Survey: Attention LIBER libraries with a digital collection: please take our survey on digital collections and activities by 15 March. Learn more

Network & Open Science News

  • SSH Open Cloud: The website for the SSHOC project, which is building the social sciences and humanities part of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), is now live. Learn more
  • Librarian’s Guide to Citizen Science: Understanding, planning, and sustaining ongoing engagement in citizen science at your library. Read
  • Open Science Jobs: The new @OpenScholar Twitter account will retweet jobs in Open Science and science communications. Follow

Upcoming Events

Call for Papers


Want to share your news in the next LIBER Alert? Email with a one sentence description and a link related to the news, event or job vacancy you’d like to share. LIBER Alerts are brought to you by Europe’s Largest Network of Research Libraries.