SSHOC Project

LIBER’s Role in ‘Realising the EOSC’ Virtual Conference

Posted: 08-02-2021 Topics: Citizen Science EOSC Europeana Open Science Cloud

In November 2020, LIBER played an active role in Realising the European Open Science Cloud, a virtual conference organised in collaboration with SSHOC, EOSC-hub and FREYA.

700 visitors from 45 countries flocked to this online event, with the subtitle of ‘Towards a FAIR research data landscape for the social sciences, humanities and beyond.’ The online conference invited attendees to collaborate and connect with e-infrastructures, discover new tools and techniques, and aggregate services to the EOSC Portal.

LIBER’s Involvement

The conference, in general, was co-organised by the SSHOC Work Package on fostering communities, empowering users, and building expertise, led by LIBER.

Moreover, the specific conference session titled, ‘Citizen Science what it means for Social Science and Humanities (SSH) and how can multidisciplinarity be achieved,’ was also co-organised by SSHOC together with the LIBER Citizen Science Working Group (see below for the session recording).

Another LIBER project, INOS, was also drawn upon within the abovementioned presentation since it specifically focuses on integrating Open and Citizen Science approaches within higher education institutions. Within the context of the INOS project, LIBER plays a leading role in intellectual output on Policy Change.

Additionally, LIBER co-organised another session, FAIR Data-Citation for Social Sciences and Humanities. This was done through its participation in one of the SSHOC project tasks that specifically focuses on ‘Making Data Findable by being Citable’ (See below for the recording of the FAIR Data session).

Feel free to take a look at all the session recordings (on YouTube) from the Realising the European Open Science Cloud Conference. These recordings have recently been released as part of the Conference Report. All presentations and specific information for each session can also be found via the Conference Agenda on the website and on Zenodo.