Research Data Management Working Group

LIBER Webinar: Supporting Data Literacy

Posted: 24-11-2017

Join us on 12 December at 1400 CET for a LIBER Webinar with the authors of The Data Librarian’s Handbook.

Robin Rice and John Southall will speak about how librarians can support data literacy for their users and for themselves.

Robin will kick off the webinar with an overview of topics in data literacy-related support and training: promoting data citation and open licenses, data discovery and access methods, data formats and standards, data handling and statistical literacy. Questions will be raised about librarians’ role in data literacy training and how data literate librarians need to be – to stimulate thoughts from the audience during the interactive part of the webinar.

John will then discuss recent work on improving data literacy for library support staff at the University of Oxford. This includes general sessions on the principles of research data management for library staff, and organising a series of termly data briefings. In addition existing training has been refined to target subject and divisional needs such as in the Medical Sciences Division. John will give some examples of the feedback he has received on success in developing new data-centric jobs within the Bodleian Libraries.


Speaker Biographies

Robin Rice – Data Librarian and Head, Research Data Support at EDINA and Data Library, based in Information Services at the University of Edinburgh. She is involved with Research Data Management training including Research Data MANTRA and the Research Data Management and Sharing MOOC on Coursera and manages the Edinburgh DataShare institutional data repository.

John Southall – Data Librarian for the Bodleian Libraries at the University of Oxford. He is based in the Social Science Library and is subject consultant for Economics, Sociology and Social Policy & Intervention.

The webinar is organised by LIBER’s Research Data Management Working Group.


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