Welcome to the March 2022 LIBER Mailing
This mailing is sent directly to LIBER Libraries and posted publicly on the LIBER website. Please feel free to share this Mailing with others.
LIBER is concerned and follows with sadness the development of the events taking place in Ukraine. We express our solidarity with the Ukrainian people, and colleagues of the Ukrainian scientific, academic and student communities. Please read our entire message here.
As specified in the LIBER Foundation Statutes, LIBER Participantship is open to research library institutions, organisations, and associations from countries that are Member States of the Council of Europe. Following the expulsion of the Russian Federation from the Council of Europe, LIBER will therefore no longer accept Russian institutions, organisations and associations amongst its Participants.
After two years of virtual Annual Conferences, LIBER’s 51st Annual Conference will once again take place in person! LIBER 2022 (6-8 July) will be co-hosted by the University Library of Southern Denmark in Odense. Please have a look at the Conference Programme and register to attend LIBER 2022 here. LIBER Participants signing up for the Annual Conference are entitled to a 50% discount if they register before 1 May 2022. If you would like to receive the latest Conference news, please feel free to join the Annual Conferences newsletter here.
In accordance with the Statutes, and the Rules and Regulations of the LIBER Foundation, appointments for various vacancies on the LIBER Executive Board are due to be made at the Meeting of Participants on Thursday 7 July 2022. Candidates for these positions can now be nominated. More information can be found in the Call for Nominations, and nominations can be submitted by using this form. The responsibilities of LIBER Executive Board members are explained here.
All Institutional and Organisational Participants are welcome to vote on issues to be discussed at the Meeting of Participants taking place on 7 July 2022 during the Annual Conference. Participants unable to vote in person at the Annual Conference can vote by proxy. The application form to do so can be found here.
At the 2022 Meeting of Participants, the Executive Board will ask the LIBER network to approve its proposal to index the Annual Participant Fees for 2023.
The LIBER strategy task force is happy to invite all Participants to contribute to the final phase of the development of the 2023-2027 strategy. In April and May, two roundtable discussions focused on the inclusion of LIBER’s existing Working Groups in the next strategy will take place. You can read more about both sessions here. The Knowledge Café at LIBER 2022 will also be dedicated to the 2023-2027 strategy. More information can be found in the Knowledge Café invitation.
LIBER currently participates in eight international projects. Please find below some highlights:
- The Citizen-enhanced Open Science project (CeOS_SE) is a new project aimed at developing citizen science initiatives in South-eastern Europe. As project coordinator, LIBER heads a consortium exclusively consisting of LIBER member libraries. The project recently launched its first survey, please feel free to take part here.
- The European Language Equality project (ELE) recently published LIBER’s report on the role that Language Technology can play in research libraries. The report incorporates feedback from various experts from the LIBER network. Read the report here to learn how this emerging topic may have repercussions for scientific publishing, scholarly communication, and open science.
- The Social Sciences & Humanities Open Cloud project (SSHOC) is coming to an end. For the past three years, LIBER has participated in the project’s activities to transform the current social sciences & humanities data landscape into an integrated, cloud-based network of interconnected data infrastructures. SSHOC will celebrate its achievements with a Final Conference in Brussels on 6–7 April for which you can register here.
- The Integrating Open Science and Citizen Science into Active Learning Approaches in Higher Education project (INOS) is also coming to an end in 2022. In the final months of the project, several events will be organised to share outputs and results regarding the integration of open knowledge and open innovation at HEIs. The first will take place online and in-person at the University of Bordeaux on 3–4 May. Find out more here.
More on LIBER’s current involvement in European projects can be found in the International Projects Report. Information on the activities of LIBER’s Working Groups is outlined in the latest Steering Committee Reports.
At their February meetings, the LIBER Executive Board formally approved the Minutes of the October 2021 Executive Board meetings. The provisional Minutes of the February Executive Board Meetings will be approved in July 2022. Ahead of the July meetings, they will be published here.
If you have any queries about the content of this mailing, or if there is any further information that we can provide, please let us know via email (liber@libereurope.org).
Kind regards,
Anja Smit