Welcome to the May 2015 Mailing
Welcome to the May 2015 LIBER Mailing, which is emailed directly to LIBER Libraries and posted publicly on the LIBER website. Please feel free to share this Mailing with others.
Documents in this Mailing relate to LIBER’s work over the past three months. You can download the documents individually from the list below or packaged together in a single ZIP file.
London 2015 Annual Conference
- Programme for the LIBER 44th Annual Conference: Towards Open Science (London, 24-26 June 2015)
Conference Excursion: 27 June 2015
Hosted by the Senate House Library, Imperial College Library, LSE Library and UCL Library Services, London, UK. Full details are available on the Conference website.
Meeting of Participants: Agenda and Papers (25 June 2015)
- Agenda
- Minutes of the Meeting of Participants, Riga, 3 July 2014 (Agenda item 4)
- Report of the Executive Board 2014-2015 (Agenda item 6)
- Auditor’s Report (Agenda item 8)
- LIBER Strategy: Annual Report 2014-2015 (Agenda item 10)
- Annual Reports of Steering Committees 2014-2015 (Agenda item 11.1)
- LIBER Fora Annual Reports (Agenda item 11.2)
- Report on EU Projects 2014-2015 (Agenda item 11.3)
LIBER Strategy
LIBER Quarterly Annual Report
LIBER Rules and Regulations
Call for Nominations (Meeting of Participants 2015)
- Call for Nominations for Appointments to the LIBER Executive Board, June 2015
- Nomination Form
- Information for Proxy Voting
- Proxy Voting Form
If you have any queries about the content of this Mailing, or if there is any further information that we can provide, please let us know.
Yours sincerely
Ann Matheson
May 2015
Further News From LIBER
LIBER Statement on the Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe: LIBER’s mission is to provide an information infrastructure that enables the research outputs of LIBER institutions to be world class, and we welcome the European Commission’s Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe with its important actions relevant to research organisations. Visit the website to learn more or download the full statement.
The Hague Declaration on Knowledge Discovery in the Digital Age: LIBER led efforts to write the Declaration, which was launched earlier this month in Brussels, calling for immediate changes to intellectual property (IP) law and the removal of barriers that prevent widened and equal access to data. So far more than 450 global organisations and individuals, including LIBER, have signed up to support the Declaration. Visit the website to learn more, download the declaration and sign up.
About This Mailing
LIBER issues official Mailings four times a year: in March, May, August and November. These Mailings are a way of distributing official documents, updating on the activities of LIBER’s Executive Board and Steering Committees and of highlighting important news from LIBER. Each update is made publicly available on the LIBER website.
We welcome your suggestions for improving this Mailing. Please email the LIBER Office with your thoughts.