Welcome to the May 2016 Mailing
This mailing is emailed directly to LIBER Libraries and posted publicly on the LIBER website. Please feel free to share this Mailing with others.
Documents in this Mailing relate to LIBER’s work over the past three months. You can download the documents in the following ways:
- Individually from the list below
- Packaged together in a single ZIP file
Helsinki 2016 Annual Conference
1. Programme for LIBER 2016: Libraries Opening Paths to Knowledge (Helsinki, 29 June-1 July 2016). Full details are available on the Conference website.
LIBER Meeting of Participants, Thursday 30 June 2016: Agenda and Papers
1. Minutes of the Meeting of Participants, London, 25 June 2015
2. Report of the Executive Board 2015-2016
3. Annual Report and Accounts for 2015 and Auditor’s Report
4. LIBER Strategy: Annual Plan for 2016
5. Survey of Participants: Feedback Action Plan
6. Annual Reports of Steering Committees 2015-2016
6.1 Scholarly Communication and Research Infrastructures
6.2 Reshaping the Research Library
6.3 Advocacy and Communications
7. LIBER Fora Annual Reports
7.1 Digital Cultural Heritage Forum
7.2 Architecture Forum
8. Report on EU Projects 2015-2016
LIBER Quarterly
1. LIBER Quarterly: Annual Report 2015-2016
Call For Nominations (Meeting of Participants 2016)
1. Call for Nominations
2. Nomination Form
3. Information for Proxy Voting
4. Proxy Voting Form
LIBER Honorary Status
1. Conferral on Mr Hans Geleijnse, The Netherlands
1. Overview of LIBER Communications
If you have any queries about the content of this Mailing, or if there is any further information that we can provide, please let us know.
Yours sincerely
Ann Matheson
May 2016