Event information

The Context for Library Planning: The Next Phase
WU Vienna, Austria

The LIBER Architecture Group (LAG) Seminar 2018 was held in Vienna on April 18-20, 2018 in the Library & Learning Center of WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business). This was the 19th seminar in the LIBER Architecture Group Seminar series and focused on “The Context for Library Planning: The Next Phase.”

WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) has built an amazing new campus, which opened in October 2013. The central building, the Library & Learning Center, is surrounded by five building complexes designed by internationally renowned architects.

Questions? Please contact Sylvia van Peteghem, chair of LIBER’s Architecture Working Group.


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Library & Learning Center of WU

Library & Learning Center of WU
(Vienna University of Economics and Business)

Welthandelspl. 1
1020 Wien