On the 8th-9th February this year, the LIBER Citizen Science Working Group met in London (UCL Library) to determine their strategic priorities for the coming years. These priorities will align with, and work towards achieving, the new LIBER Strategy 2023-2027. Citizen Science is a vital element in the drive for Openness in academia and helps to centre research libraries as engaged and trusted hubs of their communities. Find out what went on during the Working Group’s Strategy Seminar, and how the group will continue to contribute to LIBER’s aims.
The LIBER Citizen Science Working Group Strategy Seminar began with reunions and introductions. Since the beginning of the year, several new members have joined, whilst past members have developed their position within the group. Tiberius Ignat and Thomas Kaarsted were welcomed as new co-chairs, whilst Dr Paul Ayris (who will remain as member) stepped down after founding and leading the group over the previous strategic period.
The Citizen Science Working Group is recruiting new members, of all levels of knowledge and experience. Are you interested in joining? Get in touch.
Talking strategy
To determine the working direction of the group for the coming years, members split into two groups to discuss ideas for strategic priorities. The discussion ranged from Citizen Science advocacy, to research assessment, to convincing library leaders. The two groups were then brought back together to find common ground and develop the strategic directions.
Day two saw the groups define these initial ideas and nominate members who will be responsible for driving the work forward. Three directions were formed that will form the pillars of the Working Group activities for the coming years:
Strategic Directions 2023-2027
SD1: Developing the Working Group (Community of Interest to Knowledge to Practice)
- New members will be recruited, onboarded and upskilled.
- The diversity of the group will facilitate a joint understanding of the various positions of individual institutions regarding CS practice.
- Opportunities for contribution to international research projects will be identified and explored.
SD2: Developing the field of Citizen Science at Research Libraries
- The LIBER Guide for Citizen Science in Libraries will be completed and published.
- Awareness raising and training programmes for librarians and library leaders will be developed
- Mapping exercises will help connect Citizen Science taxonomy with key competencies of researchers and librarians
SD3: Research libraries to be a part of Citizen Science activities
- The group will advocate for the recognition of the potential of research libraries to significantly contribute to the field of citizen science
- Existing partnerships (ECSA, SciStarter) will be honoured and capitalised upon
- University management stakeholders will be engaged to emphasise the importance of Citizen Science in the curricula and as an institutional priority
The Strategy Seminar was an invaluable opportunity for the group to reconnect, welcome new members, and prioritise their actions as work begins to realise the LIBER strategy for 2023-2027. The above priorities will guide the work of the group and lay foundations for activities such as webinars, training programmes, guides, projects and advocacy work.
Follow the Working Group webpage for updates on their activity. Or contact the group’s co-chairs to learn how you and your library can get involved.
Working Group News