LIBER Alert | Research Library & Open Science News | November 29, 2018
This is the fourth LIBER Alert, a twice-monthly bulletin from LIBER Europe.
LIBER Alerts are delivered to you, and 174 other readers, because you’ve signed up for news, resources and links from LIBER, its network and the world of Open Science. Receive LIBER Alerts directly by email.
- What do you think of LIBER? Share your feedback and suggestions in our 2018 survey about LIBER and its services. Take the Survey
- Strategy Update 2018: One year into our 5-year Strategy, we outline what’s been achieved so far. Read
- Data Repository Survey: Librarians, repository managers and technical staff are invited to take our Data Repository Survey. Participate
- Copyright Proposals Endanger Digital Humanities: We are joining forces with IFLA to stop this poorly thought-out measure. Help us
- Webinars: On 4 December we will discuss Reproducibility Librarianship in Practice and, on 14 December, LIBER will team up with the EOSCpilot project to talk about Skills and Training in Open Science and the EOSC Ecosystem.
- From Open Access to Open Data: collaborative work in the university libraries of Catalonia, as published in LIBER Quarterly. Read
Network & Open Science News
- Plan S: Guidance on its implementation is now available, along with a chance to give feedback. Read
- Munin Conference on Scholarly Publishing: Recordings from this annual conference on scholarly publishing and communication (28-29 November). View
- Global Benefits of Open Research: Inspiring, thought-provoking and original viewpoints of open science through the eyes of those conducting research on a daily basis. Download
- Open Science Toolkit: FOSTER Plus developed a set of ten free online courses covering key topics of Open Science. Access
- Open Access Escape Room: Get everything you need to set up your own Open Access Escape Room. Read
Upcoming Events
- 14th Berlin Open Access Conference 3-4 December
- European DDI User Conference, Berlin 4-5 December
- Open Science Days, Berlin 5-6 February
- RLUK Conference, London 20-22 March
- ELAG, Berlin 7-10 May
- Open Repositories 2019, Hamburg 10-13 June
- LIBER 2019 Annual Conference, Dublin 26-28 June
- DH2019, Utrecht 9-12 July
Call for Papers
- LIBER 2019, Dublin (open until 14 January)
- ELAG, Berlin (open until 8 January)
Want to share your news in the next LIBER Alert? Email with a one sentence description and a link related to the news, event or job vacancy you’d like to share. LIBER Alerts are brought to you by Europe’s Largest Network of Research Libraries.