Voting of Executive Board Candidates Begins (Meeting of Participants 2021)

Posted: 11-06-2021 Topics: Executive Board

During the upcoming Meeting of Participants (24th of June 2021 at 16:15 CEST), LIBER Participants will get a chance to elect and approve three new Executive Board Members.

After the Call for Nominations for Board Members closed on the 10th of June, the following candidacies were received to possibly fill the vacancy left by Dr Bertil Dorch:

Dr Jessica Gardner, University Librarian & Director of Library Services, Cambridge University Libraries (proposed by Mr Julien Roche, University Librarian and Director of Libraries and Learning Center, University of Lille).

“With a career in academic librarianship at four UK research universities (including as Library Director at Exeter, Bristol and Cambridge) and Chair of Research Libraries UK, I hope would bring strategic breadth and experience to contribute to the LIBER community. I am strongly committed to continuing collaboration for UK libraries with libraries across Europe.”

You can read more about Jessica Gardner’s candidacy here.

Dr Charlotte Wien, Professor & Head of Research, University Library of Southern Denmark. Proposed by Dr Bertil Dorch, Library Director, University Library of Southern Denmark.

“I am a full professor of Scholarly Communication and as head of researcher services part of the middle management team of The University Library of Southern Denmark. I am a dedicated member of LIBER. I have participated in the leadership development program, chaired the WG of Innovative metrics and currently member of the Conference Program Committee.”

You can read more about Charlotte Wien’s candidacy here.

In addition to the above two candidates, LIBER Participants will be asked to approve the following candidates put forth by the Executive Board as a whole:

Dr Andrea De Pasquale, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma. The Executive Board is happy to propose Dr De Pasquale fill the seat of Ms Agnès Ponsati Obiols with an Executive Board appointment, as it may do in the case of up to three Board positions within the terms of the LIBER Constitution.

Drs Anja Smit, University Librarian, Utrecht University Library. Anja Smit has been involved with LIBER in different capacities, most recently serving as Special Adviser to the Executive Board. The Board is pleased to announce her candidacy to replace Mr John MacColl as Secretary-General.

Furthermore, four Executive Board members will have completed terms of office by July 2021. They are eligible and willing to stand for re-appointment for a further term of two years.

Therefore, the Board requests these members to be re-appointed at the Meeting of Participants:

How Can I Vote?

In order for LIBER Participants to participate in the online voting process during the 2021 Meeting of Participants, they can use the digital ballot circulated on 11 June 2021 (via email).

The online voting platform will open from the 14th to the 23rd of June, and the results of the election will be published at the online Meeting of Participants on the 24th of June.

More information about the voting procedure can be found here, and the agenda of the 2021 Meeting of Participants here. If you’re a LIBER Participant, you can sign up for the meeting via Sched here.

Should you have any questions about the abovementioned process, or if your institution did not receive the ballot, please contact us via email at: