Scholarly Communication & Research Infrastructures

Posted: 11-11-2020 Topics: Research Infrastructures Scholarly Communication

Enabling Open Science


The Scholarly Communication & Research Infrastructures Committee was part of LIBER’s 2013-2017 Strategy.


It was in charge of Strategic Priority #1: Enabling Open Science, and encompassed Working Groups on Scientific Information Infrastructures and Metrics.


Why This Priority

Research libraries play a key role in enabling Open Science. They can provide advocacy and metrics for Open Science, and build partnerships. Research libraries provide access to cultural heritage and collections, and offer their collections for (re)use and innovation beyond institutional boundaries (eg. in the digital humanities).

Action such as these lead to better transparency and quality of research, a higher level of citizen engagement and a faster pace of scientific discovery through data-driven innovation. In addition, libraries enable the building of the ‘research commons’ by ensuring accessibility and long-term availability of research results, fostering new forms of publishing and knowledge discovery, and by opening up metadata. Libraries are also key for the development of supporting infrastructure and services.



An implementation plan was published, and the following was achieved through the Committee and its Working Groups.

2013-2017 Steering Committee Members