Executive Board Elections and Appointments at the 2022 Meeting of Participants

Posted: 07-07-2022 Topics: LIBER 2022 LIBER 2022 LIBER Conference Annual Conference Executive Board

Today, the annual LIBER Meeting of Participants concluded after its official opening on the 6th of July. A big thank you to the LIBER Participants for making your voices heard in the Executive Board elections and appointments! 

We are excited to present LIBER’s new President Julien Roche, who will now take over the Presidency from Jeannette Frey after serving as Vice-President from 2018 to 2022. He says:

“I’d like to warmly welcome our new LIBER board! As a professional community, we heavily rely on the commitment of our members. Thanks to our former and new board members, I know we will confidently face the challenges ahead.”


Congratulations, and thank you to Jeannette Frey who has expertly guided LIBER through the turbulent past four years. Her constant enthusiasm, wisdom, and efforts will be sorely missed. 

Voters also approved Giannis Tsakonas as LIBER Vice-President, who has been part of the Executive Board since 2016. His wealth of experience continues to be a great advantage for the entire LIBER network, so we are very happy to have him on board for the next years.

We would now like to welcome the Executive Board’s newest faces: Anna Clements, Dóra Kalydy, and Sara Lammens. We look forward to working with you and we are eager about your future contributions to LIBER!

In addition to these appointments, voters also re-appointed three members of the Executive Board who have each completed terms of two years on the Board. The following members will serve on the Board for another two years: 

In addition to voting in the new Executive Board, the Meeting of Participants approved the following:

Lastly, this year’s Meeting of Participants concluded with the announcement of the location of the 2023 LIBER Annual Conference. On this note, you are cordially invited to next year’s conference, which will be hosted by the Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and will take place in Budapest from 5-7 July. Would you like to know more? Please feel free to visit the LIBER Conference website or Twitter account where more information about the 2023 conference will appear in the weeks after this year’s conference. You can also meet the conference hosts as part of their conference teaser video which will premiere at tomorrow’s Conference Closing Session. We look forward to welcoming you to Budapest next year!