Meeting of Participants 2022 – Executive Board Candidates
During the upcoming Meeting of Participants at our annual conference, LIBER 2022, LIBER Participants will get a chance to elect and approve various Executive Board Members.
Executive Board Elections
After the Call for Nominations for Board Members closed on the 23rd of June 2022, three nominations were received for two vacant LIBER Executive Board Member seats. The Meeting of Participants will be asked to vote for two of the following nominees by closed ballot:
Anna Clements Director of Library Services and University Librarian, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Proposed by Jessica Gardner, University Librarian & Director of Library Services, Cambridge University Libraries, United Kingdom
“My 20 years working in library, information technology & digital roles (at the Universities of St Andrews and Sheffield) and a track record and passion for European collaboration (euroCRIS Board 2013-2020) I hope would contribute to the LIBER community through thought leadership, influencing, and practical delivery of strategic objectives.”
You can read more about Anna Clement’s candidacy here.
Dóra Gaálné Kalydy Deputy Director-General, Library and Information Centre, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Proposed by Paul Ayris, Pro-Vice-Provost, University College London (UCL) Library Services, United Kingdom
“I believe my mentality would give a variety to the Board and it also gives a chance for the Hungarian libraries to get closer to LIBER and LIBER libraries. My aim is to have more Hungarian academic libraries in the LIBER community and make LIBER’s work more visible in Hungary.”
You can read more about Dóra Gaálné Kalydy’s candidacy here.
Hilde Van Kiel Director, KU Leuven Libraries, Belgium
Proposed by Heli Kautonen, Library Director at the Finnish Literature Society
“I learned to appreciate the value of a strong network as LIBER. I do not have too many colleagues in my own country that operate at the same level as me, finding international contacts has always been necessary. I have found this in and through LIBER and I would like to bring in my own experience to make this possible for other colleagues as well, by strengthening the Board of LIBER and bringing in my experience on strategic planning. As a member of the Board I would like to propose ideas about the future of the Leadership Programmes and take part in the discussions.”
You can read more about Hilde Van Kiel’s candidacy here.
Executive Board Appointments
One candidacy was received for the position of LIBER President. The Meeting of Participants will be asked to appoint as next LIBER President:
- Julien Roche LIBER Vice-President 2018-present, University Librarian and Director of Libraries and Learning Center, University of Lille, France.
For the vacancy of LIBER Vice-President, the following nomination was received. The Meeting of Participants will be asked to appoint:
- Giannis Tsakonas LIBER Steering Committee Chair & Executive Board Member 2016-present, Director of the Library & Information Center, University of Patras, Greece.
In addition to the above candidates, LIBER Participants will be asked to approve the following candidate put forth by the Executive Board as a whole:
- Sara Lammens, General Director ad interim, the Royal Library of Belgium. The Executive Board is happy to propose Ms Lammens as an Executive Board appointment. Such a proposal is possible within the terms of the LIBER Constitution.
Furthermore, three Executive Board members will have completed their term of office by July 2022. They are eligible and willing to stand for re-appointment for a further term of two years.
Therefore, the Board requests these members to be re-appointed at the Meeting of Participants:
- Lars Burman, Uppsala University Library, Sweden
- Adam Sofronijević, University of Belgrade Library “Svetozar Marković”, Serbia
- Cécile Swiatek, University of Paris Nanterre, France
Voting Process
LIBER Participants can participate in the voting process by using their ballots and voting cards, as handed out to all eligible voters at the LIBER Desk upon their LIBER 2022 registration.
Executive Board Election
Eligible voters can use their 2022 Meeting of Participants ballots to vote for one or two out of three Executive Board Member candidates. Voting will be open from the opening of the Meeting of Participants at the LIBER 2022 Opening Ceremony on Wednesday the 6th of July and will close at 09:00 AM on Thursday the 7th of July.
Ballots can be deposited in the Executive Board Elections Ballot Box at the LIBER Desk. After voting closes, ballots will be counted by Tellers appointed during the Opening of the Meeting of Participants.
The results of the Executive Board Election will be announced at the Meeting of Participants on Thursday afternoon and shared publically via LIBER’s communication channels thereafter.
Executive Board Appointments
Executive Board Appointments will take place during the Meeting of Participants on Thursday the 7th of July 2022, when voters can use their voting cards to approve or reject any or all proposed (re)appointments.
The outcomes will be immediately announced after voting and shared publically via LIBER’s communication channels thereafter.
The Meeting of Participants agenda and documents can be found here. Please do not hesitate to contact the LIBER Office ( if you have any questions about the 2022 Meeting of Participants.